Engelstalig spel

Mercado de Lisboa (EN)

Niet op voorraad
€ 39,95
Modern day markets offer their visitors various stands, eateries, and services. In Mercado de Lisboa, players open stands in the market, open new eateries, influence the price of goods sold at the stands, and bring customers to them.

Mercado de Lisboa is a tile placement game based on the city building system in Lisboa. Mercado de Lisboa is a fast-paced game, with easy-to-learn rules yet deep, tactical choices.

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Aantal spelers: 2-4
Best with: 3-4
Tijd: 30-45 minuten
Leeftijd: 8+
Taal: Engels
Complexiteit: Gemiddeld
Dicetower Judgement: Geen
Legacy: Nee
Coöp: Nee
  • Engels
  • 1
  • 4
  • 30-60 min
  • 5 tot 8 jaar
  • 8 tot 10 jaar
  • 10 tot 12 jaar
  • 12 jaar of ouder