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Dreamscape (EN)

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€ 43,95
Collect dreamshards, arrange them to create your dreamscape, and stroll along them to obtain a good night sleep. For 2 to 4 players, a 20-minute-per-player playtime, Dreamscape is a game with deep mechanisms that ask you to be smart enough to manage optimally the creation of your small dream universe.

Dreamscape offers an experience that cannot be compared to any other game, with a unique combination of route-planning, resource collecting, 3D building, and clever use of powers. In the end, the wonderful dreamscapes you will create will leave you with a magical feeling, constantly remodeling and renewed.

A game of Dreamscape lasts 5 rounds in which you will start with your Sleeper collecting dreamshards in the Dreamworld. These small essences of dreams are represented by wooden tokens of different colors; blue for water, brown for lands, grey for rocks, green for grass (and even red for nightmares in the advanced rules). With those precious shards, you will be able to build many shapes of landscapes in which your Dreamer will search for enjoyable viewpoints; that will be your Dreamscape.

Even if you are always completely free to model your Dreamscape, Dreamcards will lead your creations and travels, and make you score Slumber Points once completed. And to help you in your dreams, mighty powers can be used in the visited locations and with each card.

The Travel Fase

During the travel phase, you may perform up to 5 actions to collect and move through the Dreamworld. The tricky part is that you can only collect the rightmost shard, and so on. Furthermore, you can not collect more than 2 shards of each color, so you have to manage your moves cleverly to get a hand on all the shards you need.

Once collected, your shards are put in your Collect Zone, ready to help you. They will be useful to enter a location without spending action points, but you can also use them to activate powers on Dreamcards, and obviously to build you Dreamscape in the Creation phase.

Nighmare Fase

Once your moves in the Dreamworld are done, Mr. Nightmare will move too. His presence on any location prevents the players to use the power of this location, and he will also kindly leave a special gift: a Nightmare shard. Any player passing through one of them must take it, with no action cost. But believe me, those gifts are really not the best ever, as each of them in your Dreamscape will cost you negative points at the end of the game. Obviously, you will have some ways to get rid of them, don't be scared!

Mr Nightmare forms an optional layer of challenge in Dreamscape for advanced players. When you allow Mr. Nightmare to wander around the Dreamworld, no dream will be safe anymore...

Creation Fase

Now we are in the very purpose of collecting shards, the Creation phase. All the shards you have in your Collect Zone may be used to build your Dreamscape. Mountains are rising, rivers are flowing and new paths are discovered to the delight of your dreamer.

In addition, your shards may also be discarded for different actions such as moving your Dreamer, growing trees, or trading them for that specific shard you did not manage to get during your Travel phase.

Slumber Points

All along your musings, you will score Slumber Points; each time you climb on mountains or swim into lakes or rivers, and for each card completed with your Dreamer admiring it.

Moving on brown land shards is completely free as they form paths. Moving on blue water shards gives you a refreshing dive that scores you 1 point each time. And finally, to observe these beautiful landscapes, you can climb mountains (a pile of 2 grey rock shards), offering your Dreamer a panoramic view that scores 2 points.

At the end of the game, Dream purpose goals will be scored by each players according to their skills to collect the right shards during their play.

Being the dreamer with the most water shards, seeing the most grass shards or having the less empty spaces on your Dreamscape are just a small sample of the different ways to make you score the final points you desperatley need to make the sweetest dream ever.


The Dreamcards are your first focus in the game as each of them will offer you unique opportunities to build different structures and explore them with your Dreamer. They also give you different powers that you may use anytime during your turn simply by placing a shard on them. Choosing wisely when to use them, and when to complete them could be crucial to lead you to victory.

Each time you will complete the structures appearing on a Dreamcard, you will draw new ones, and may keep one new. Because you will draw as many cards as the location number on which your Sleeper is, choose carefully the timing to complete them, and you will be sure to have enough choices to never rely on luck.


To help you during your quest for a good night sleep, you can rely on mighty powers. Once per turn, you can use a power when your Sleeper is on the correct location. But not only. Each Dreamcard you have lists a power icon too, so that you can use a shard to activate it.

And these powers are the very heart of your Dreamscape evolution.The Dream Harvesters, ancient machines that provide you with material to construct dreams, will harvest new shards when you desperately need them. The gentle Clockwork Golem will help you move around landscape elements, with his unmeasurable strength and towering height. And let's not forget a visit at the "Halls of Power", where the King of Dreams will offer you the ancient knowledge of his dominion: new ideas for dreams!

Aantal spelers: 1-4
Best with: 1-4
Tijd: 60-90 minuten
Leeftijd: 10+
Taal: Engels
Complexiteit: Boven gemiddeld
Dicetower Judgement: Geen
Legacy: Nee
Coöp: Nee
  • Engels
  • 1
  • 4
  • 60-120 min
  • 8 tot 10 jaar
  • 10 tot 12 jaar
  • 12 jaar of ouder