Engelstalig spel

Call to Adventure (EN)

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€ 44,95
Make your fate! Inspired by character-driven fantasy storytelling, Call to Adventure challenges 2-4 players to create the hero with the greatest destiny by acquiring traits, facing challenges, and overcoming adversaries. As players' heroes grow in ability and experience, they move on to harder challenges, eventually facing deadly adversaries and acquiring more and more destiny points. The player whose hero has the highest destiny score wins the game.

Complexiteit: Gemiddeld
Dicetower Judgement: Approval
Legacy: Nee
Coöp: Nee
  • Engels
  • 1
  • 4
  • 30-60 min
  • 8 tot 10 jaar
  • 10 tot 12 jaar
  • 12 jaar of ouder